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Why out with the old and in with the new might not be the best advice.

We are here, on the threshold of a new year. I've more deeply aware of thresholds this year. Thresholds are significant in Celtic Spirituality. The Celts referred to these thresholds as thin places. They are liminal places. They are places of transition. I have found myself quite drawn to explore this path and what I have discovered resonates with me. It has helped me in reclaiming a vibrant and healthy spirituality. We frequently encounter thresholds in our lives. Every day we have the thresholds of dawn and dusk. We've just passed the threshold of the winter solstice when the sun has reached her furthest point in the south and pauses before she begins to return to those of us in the northern hemisphere. This coming year I am exploring Christine Valters Paintner's The Soul's Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seeking the Sacred with a couple of friends. We are discussing one practice a month. (Email me if you are interested. If there is enough interest I will find a way to bring us together virtually or physically.) The first practice is Thresholds. For many people New Year's Eve is a time when we think about the coming year and dream about what could be. These dreams are often accompanied by resolutions and goals that we hope will help us achieve those dreams in our lives. Viewing it as a threshold provides an opportunity to intentionally pause and reflect on the passing year. It is important to look back before rushing into what is next. In our world we find it easy to focus on what is next. We are constantly moving foward barely stopping to let our souls catch up to our bodies. Taking time to look back can help you see the seeds of dreams that are already planted and ready to grow. I walk a labyrinth on New Year's Eve (except for last year when we were in a deep frost!). I enter into the labyrinth thinking about 2018. I release things as I go. I release unforgiveness, guilt, shame, sadness, regret and disappointment to name a few. And then I pause in the middle to express gratitude for all the lessons of the year. And then I journey out, often with my hands open, giving voice to the dreams I have for the coming year. You don't need to walk a physical labyrinth if there isn't one near you. I was gifted a beautiful hand carved wooden finger labyrinth that I use on those days when the weather makes it difficult to get to my favourite labyrinth. I also have a tiny wooden labyrinth that I take with me when I travel. You can also use a paper labyrinth and trace the circuits with your finger! And you can even make one in the snow or sand - be creative! If you are unfamiliar with walking a labyrinth it may feel intimidating. I will do an Instagram story from the labryinth I go to on December 31st. Trust me - once you start walking a labyrinth you'll be looking for them everywhere you go. There are many ways to cross this threshold into 2019. Click on the picture at the bottom of this email and it will take you to a guide I created to assist you as you reflect on the past year. I am choosing to cross into 2019 with gratitude for the past year and holding my intention to continue living my truth and helping you discover practices to support you in having a healthy and vibrant spirituality.

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