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IRL is so much better than Zoom

Guess what other breakthrough I have had? I led a workshop in person for the first time since February 2020. Wow! One of the most significant impacts Covid had on my work was that it became utterly online. I've been impressed by how we've managed to build a community using technology but having the experience of getting back together in real life was fantastic. I think you can expect more courses offered live in the next year. If you don't live near me and are interested in something, let's talk about how I can come your way.

The other realization I had during the retreat was how much I enjoyed doing this work. I am excited to be entering into this conversation about what it means to be in this new chapter of life.

I resonate with Joan Chittister, who says, "The truth is that this new stage of life liberates in a way no other stage of growth can possibly do. All the striving is over now. We don't have to prove ourselves anymore. We don't have to have the way we spend our time approved anymore. We don't have to work, produce, provide or get ahead anymore. The only thing required of us now is the blooming of the self. Like autumn flowers, rich in color, deep in tone, sturdy in the wind, our lives not only have new colour, they bring with them the kind of interior depth a fast-moving world so dearly needs. "

At our retreat, we made a mandala (pictured above). We individually gathered things that spoke to us of this season of life. I must say this exercise is ideal in the autumn. We came back together and created this beautiful tribute to ageing. A few days later, Hurricane Fiona hit the east coast. The woman who hosted the retreat sent me a photo of our mandala. There were some signs that it had endured the storm, but for the most part, it was intact. Most of us have experienced a few storms by this season of life. What remains is still significant. We are here for a reason, no matter what our youth-obsessed culture tells us.

We have tackled people-pleasing, speaking our truth, and clarifying our values. The work that remains is equally essential. We get to harvest our lives and offer back to our communities the wisdom we have gained. There is still one more spot in the online workshop in October if you want to know more about these core concepts. My co-facilitator is a wise woman I am thrilled to work with on this offering. You can head over to my website and sign up. It's free, and all the details are listed. If you need to know more, feel free to email me. Sign up soon If you want to participate.

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