Everything On Your To-Do List Is a Choice

I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that it is 2024. Unlike most years, I have yet to do all the things I like to do for the new year. I haven't done a vision board or any actual planning. I have a few projects in the fire, but I have been easing into the year for the most part.

I felt pretty busy last year and found myself using words like 'overwhelmed' and 'scattered' far more than I have said in the past. I woke up on January 2nd feeling internal pressure to get going and very little creative energy. So, I decided not to do anything except rest, read and go for a long walk.

I wrestled with feeling unproductive and like I was already falling behind. I reminded myself that the things on my list were choices. I could choose rest instead. It was a struggle not to do much, but I couldn't muster the willpower to push through.

January 3rd was a repeat with one difference. I decided if my body and soul told me I needed a break to listen. I didn't even try to do anything. 

Today, January 4th, I woke up feeling a little more energy. I'm going to ease into the day and not deplete myself. In fact, after I send this email, I will go back to rest. 

The January blahs are a serious thing. Those of you who have read Katherine May's book Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times may be nodding your heads. You recognize that what is happening to me is a natural and healthy response to the season. I love this quote from her book:

"I recognized winter. I saw it coming (a mile off, since you ask), and I looked it in the eye. I greeted it and let it in. I had some tricks up my sleeve, you see. I've learned them the hard way. When I started feeling the drag of winter, I began to treat myself like a favored child: with kindness and love. I assumed my needs were reasonable and that my feelings were signals of something important. I kept myself well fed and made sure I was getting enough sleep. I took myself for walks in the fresh air and spent time doing things that soothed me. I asked myself: What is this winter all about? I asked myself: What change is coming?"

I've always been a fan of winter. I love the invitation to slow down and withdraw. And yet, I struggle with the internalized message that I should be more productive. I should be doing more. I should be ( fill in the blank.)  

Although the seasons we enjoy in Canada provide a rhythm to our year, wintering isn't about climate. It is about honouring our natural rhythms and cycles. We aren't efficient machines and can't produce the same output (or more) every day. 

Life feels heavy for many people right now. And if you feel depleted and need rest, I am giving you permission to step back. Rest. Ease into the new year. I'm there with you. What's meant to be will emerge at the right time. 


What award will you give yourself?


What I have learned from helping women buy clothes.